Orthopedic Support Pocket Spring Series Mattress

Orthopedic Support Pocket Spring Series Mattress

Orthopedic Support Pocket Spring Series Mattress

Orthopedic Support

Pocket Spring Series Mattress
Specially developed with Yataş's Propocket 2.1 spring technology to provide the most accurate support to the back and waist area, which is an innovative mattress that those who prefer hard surfaces can't be indifferent.

Thanks to the Propocket 2.1 special spring system, the Orthopedic Support mattress which has a harder, stronger mattress surface, provides the right support by better holding your body. Although the surface of the mattress is hard, there is no deterioration in its orthopedic structure. The zoned body suspension system VZS™ which gives the shoulder, base and joints the necessary support, helps reduce fatigue. It provides extra comfort with its pad, which increases comfort. Woolmark® in the fabric relaxes the heart rate and balances body temperature with its air-permeable structure. With Yataş's special spring technology and other superior features, Orthopedic Support brings a new interpretation to the choice of hard mattresses and further advances the sleep quality.31 cm mattress height