DHT Spring Series Mattress
The Rina Mattress supports the backbone and provides orthopedic and long-lasting sleeping comfort. Its luxury jacquard loom fabric increases your sleep quality.
The Rina mattress features side support foams that allow for a wide sleeping surface and Yataş-Exclusive double-heat treated steel DHT Spring system, and supports the backbone and provides orthopedic and long-lasting sleeping comfort. Its luxury jacquard loom fabric increases your sleep quality. Rina is Yataşs most affordable mattress. Increase the comfort level of your sleep with Thermobond fibers Natural Climate: Thermobond Fiber Thermobond fibers add additional comfort to the Rina mattress with heat preservation, breathability, and odor and moisture proofing features.
The Rina mattress features side support foams that allow for a wide sleeping surface and Yataş-Exclusive double-heat treated steel DHT Spring system, and supports the backbone and provides orthopedic and long-lasting sleeping comfort. Its luxury jacquard loom fabric increases your sleep quality. Rina is Yataşs most affordable mattress. Increase the comfort level of your sleep with Thermobond fibers Natural Climate: Thermobond Fiber Thermobond fibers add additional comfort to the Rina mattress with heat preservation, breathability, and odor and moisture proofing features.
17 cm Mattress Height
Double Sided Use
DHT Spring
Knitted Fabric